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Natural Wonderland

Updated on May 24, 2014

For a brief moment in time…

Stunning, awe shocking in beauty, yet mysteriously built. Such a portrait does this unique landscape make; I am enticed by its welcoming form, but equally afraid to gaze too long upon it. Caught in speculative idleness, I cannot decipher how God came to frame such a view, knowing full well the distraction it would create. This is no time for languid repose, a mind trapped in the thoughts of exploring a forbidden territory trifles with the furry of hell. How can delicate creatures leave the pavement, stepping away from the familiar grid of life to lose oneself among boundless geometry? We know the constant of night and day, right and wrong, but this strange ephemeral grey, it beckons to be captured by memory. Willing an increased synaptic fire, hoping an emersion with the scenery will encapsulate the reality of this adventure. A quick thought strikes dread, I do not want any detail forgotten, the arrangements are so perfect in imperfect array. In an instant recall, my hatred for concrete rules fills me disagreeably. How did the human race turn its back on organic nature, intelligent formations, and brilliant innocence? Where did love of urban dwelling originate from? How could blighted brick blot out natural illumination by choice?


I am without breath, a sliver of light rockets to my point of focus. It took many generations to create such wonderment; cataclysmic events had to unfold for this present view to take shape. No metal could be manipulated to emulate this profile. Man made tools are hapless, idiotic and fraught with incompetence, they could never create such magic. Only the elements of earth brought together by divine script could such a heavenly body emerge. The most complex circuit board is immature compared to the awesome exactness of every atoms binding. An unmixed sheen refracts a prism of possibilities that no false sense of urgency could render. Sturdy and fragile, movable but firm, igneous stone may permeate the earth but the evergreen is patient. Oscillating vapor from the heavens bring aqueous ponds to nourish that which congregates near by. All the creatures named by Adam trade for balance in life. This is a place of history, something no digital signal can get right. Unbound, without lock, free from law and in complete honesty, this piece of dirt exposes the soul for all its inhibitions. My sense of conditioning stunned me, frozen in my steps I’ve hit the invisible wall of reality. This is no place for me. With nose bleeding, ego torn and mind reeling, I turn back to the only thing I know; deadlines, the hustle and bustle of corporate life. Chained to tax, bolted down by policy, restricted in body and trained by the bell, I return to modernity.

Beauty lasts in perpetuity; man cannot annihilate what has existed for thousands of years...thank God.


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