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What I Appreciate

Updated on July 20, 2014

I Appreciate…

Revolving at 47 degrees latitude, my environment spins at roughly 700 miles per hour. Barring no discernable impact upon the more pedestrian crawl of Seattle traffic, I am able to look west on a clear day, gazing upon the snow capped Olympic Mountains. Normally these are blocked by layers of rain clouds followed by unceasing precipitation. Today, I see a light. The brake lights in front of me are a little less obnoxious, the constant dance of left and right merging is a little less aggravating. A man looking to get in front of me waves thank you for the afforded space I created. What do you know, today is not going to be gloomy after all.

After a few venomous entries, it is time to balance the dark with brilliant illumination. In a candid confession I shall stop to remember the beauty our Creator hath beholden on to us.

For this is what the high and lofty One says— he who lives forever, whose name is holy: "I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite. I will not accuse forever, nor will I always be angry, for then the spirit of man would grow faint before me— the breath of man that I have created. (Isaiah 57:15,16)

In my contrition, I humbly remember what wonder my eyes have seen, meekly I ruminate with what great experiences I’ve shared and born.

Often when steeped in loathing I cause self privation of spirit.

I must turn from the infliction of wickedness; I must once again find the appreciation surrounding this plane.

I appreciate…

I appreciate a morning awakening to the aroma of fresh Kona coffee brewing below.

Aromatic and inviting, the sense of this smell artificially stimulates warm sensations, comfortable atmosphere and safety in knowing I’m home.

Thermal in hand, I start another day’s journey in my new environment 1,100 miles north of old. For a brief interlude, the skies have paused; el Sol is given entry to reveal bright green, golden hue and aqua marine.

Who knew the “Emerald State” had so much contrast.

A concrete and steal needle is threaded by life mixed in doubt.

How interesting the souls who congregate here, but I will take respite from justifying our disharmony.

Today is a good day.

At work, my occupation surmises a busy man makes more productivity a brunch of profitability. With tasks accomplished in three’s, satisfaction permeates my body.

A day of empire building in the right frame of mind holds high the value of God’s word in deed.

Today, families will rejoice from the labor of fruits and celebrate another wonderful bounty.

Today, the team God gave me has earned respite from fine sowing, awaiting to reap good stock.

Together we have turned a corner in an otherwise dark economy, but digging deeper together has elevated our station.

Today we appreciate.

“For you shall eat of the labor of your hands: happy shall you be, and it shall be well with you.” Psalm 128:2

Back at home I hear the little giggles of my daughter as I come through the door. With bright eyes and volumes of energy, she skips to and fro in excitement to see daddy.

With hugs, kisses and how was your day, the nightly familiarity settles the mind. Spices emanating from the kitchen sanctify a house in order.

To dine with the family cannot be taken in stride, each day is our last so we need to look upon each face, remember each moment, store it up in our heart and appreciate it while we can.

I for a moment look around to remember that to much has been given, so much can be taken away. I know nothing that I possess is permanent; this world is a fickle place so I must appreciate what I have in good measure. There is no small debt to be paid for forgetting. After all it took me years to appreciate that I would be succeeded by ashes and rust.

Soon I will be asking for a clean heart and will be learning to appreciate a new body. But in the mean time, here we all are, for better or for worse, this is my life, take it for granted or learn to appreciate it all over again tomorrow.

What do you appreciate?

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6


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